Resilient Infrastructure: The Solution
Address climate change and other systemic risks
Integrated long-term asset management approach combines resilient infrastructure, systems coordination and technological advancement
Better Solution:
Replace venture capital and private equity fund model
Silicon-Valley style entrepreneurial company model
Provide large-scale institutional capital ( pensions, sovereign wealth funds, endowments, foundations) a manageable means to address systemic risk to portfolios based on climate change and other growing systemic risks. As the December 2016 report of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures of the Financial Stability Board ("FSB") states: "Climate-related risks and the expected transition to a lower-carbon economy affect most economic sectors and industries."
Provide those same investors a more integrated approach to long-term asset management; particularly infrastructure ownership and management, that reduces risk and increases long-term returns from that infastructure. Do so through a structure that combines:
underlying holdings of yield-producing real and energy infrastructure assets;
active strategic management;
active incorporation of new technologies;
Provide a solution that eliminates the self-serving greed of the current private equity model but permits more risk-taking and shared rewards than the current direct investment model.
Replace traditional fund structure:
10 year life commitment to capital and team;
2/20 expense load;
no investment control;
mark to market,
little ability to address systemic risk,
with an entrepreneurial company model designed to address disruption:
Permanent capital but with annual budget controls;
Evergreen, sustainable structure means access to capital when needed;
Board-level control (budget + hiring), but delegated investment authority over individual investments;
Owner-led Board manages hiring and firing of team; sets compensation structure and equity participation;
Team is recruited and retained based on market-based compensation;
Team has equity participation but on a fully-aligned basis and only participates after owner's capital is returned;
Long-term liquidity through IPO of organization (patient long-term capital);
Current dividends from cash flows;
The Resourcient Solution:
Manage real assets, energy production and technology deployment in one consolidated holding structure
Choice and management of infrastructure geared toward future, not past
Overlay of management, technology, and business innovation
Use synergies to produce a result greater than sum of the parts